the HATEFUL EIGHT: the DOOR of HABERDASHERY – CINEMATIC DIORAMA 1/6 Accessory for Action Figure 12″ ASMUS

299,99 € IVA inclusa


COD: 4234. Categorie: , , .

Product Description

the HATEFUL EIGHT: the DOOR of HABERDASHERY – CINEMATIC DIORAMA 1/6 Accessory for Action Figure 12″ ASMUS

Accessory Hateful Eight

The Door of Haberdashery, from “Hateful Eight” set sixth scale diorama recreates the crude, cozy cabin, with wooden textured doorway and details including taxidermy decor, lassos, and horseshoes to capture the wild spirit of the era.

The rusty fireplace serves as the centerpiece with special LED light up feature to bring the whole set to life. With the doorway set, figures in the like of weary travelers, crooked outlaws, savage hunters, and ruthless rangers will finally have the perfect backdrop to match their lawless charm.