LORD of the RINGS: ARWEN In DEATH FROCK (Liv Tyler) 1/6 Action Figure 26 cm ASMUS – SIDESHOW

299,99 € IVA inclusa

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COD: 5234. Categorie: , .

Product Description

LORD of the RINGS: ARWEN In DEATH FROCK (Liv Tyler) 1/6 Action Figure 26 cm ASMUS

Action Figure Lord of the Rings

Sideshow and Asmus Toys are proud to present the Arwen In Death Frock Sixth Scale Figure based on the likeness of Liv Tyler from the film.

The Arwen in Death Frock Sixth Scale Figure features an authentic and detailed fully realistic likeness of Arwen from The Return of the King. It stands at approximately 25 cm tall and features over 34 points of articulation.

Be sure to add this sixth scale figure to your The Lord of the Rings collection today!