LORD of the RINGS: NAZGUL 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS – SIDESHOW

279,99 € IVA inclusa


COD: 5297. Categorie: , .

Product Description

LORD of the RINGS: NAZGUL 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS – SIDESHOW

Action Figure il Signore degli Anelli

Sideshow and Asmus Toys are proud to present the most terrible servants of Middle Earth, Nazgûl!

This 1:6 Scale Figure features the authentic and highly detailed likeness of Nazgûl from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Once men of flesh and blood, the Nazgûl now roam bound to the Ring’s power as wraiths: A likening to specters that is highlighted beautifully in the ghostly hooded cloak and immortal armor featured on this articulated figure.

The Lord of the Rings fans, let yourself be drawn to Nazgûl, and add to your collection today!