LORD of the RINGS: SARUMAN with PALANTIR 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS

999,99 € IVA inclusa


COD: 2025. Categorie: , .

Product Description

LORD of the RINGS: SARUMAN with PALANTIR 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS

Action Figure Lord of the Rings

“Always you must meddle, looking for trouble when none exists…” – Saruman

Saruman, a wise wizard and part of the White Council, disapproves of Gandalf‘s quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. After learning of a rumored Necromancer who can summon the dead, Saruman is skeptical and dismisses that there is a dangerous enemy coming.

The Saruman the White Sixth Scale Figure features an authentic realistic likeness of Saruman as seen in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. This collectible figure includes an interactive custom base, magic staff, Palantir, and finely detailed robe.

Fans of LOTR and The Hobbit, don’t miss your chance to add this White Wizard to your collection!