LORD of the RINGS: the TWO TOWERS – LEGOLAS at HELM’s DEEP 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS – SIDESHOW

329,99 € IVA inclusa


COD: 4959. Categorie: , .

Product Description

LORD of the RINGS: the TWO TOWERS – LEGOLAS at HELM’s DEEP 1/6 Action Figure 30 cm ASMUS

Action Figure il Signore degli Anelli

Sideshow and Asmus Collectible Toy present the Legolas at Helm’s Deep Sixth Scale Figure!

The Legolas at Helm’s Deep Sixth Scale Figure features authentic and detailed fully realistic likeness of Legolas from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. This figure stands approximately 30cm tall and features Legolas ready for battle.

Be sure to add this sixth scale figure to your Lord of the Rings collection today!